
Our latest thinking on driving culture change using a Diversity & Inclusion lens to improve employee decisions and managerial practices.


How Can I Become a Better Leader?

How Can I Become a Better Leader?

Practical Leadership Insights from Neuroscience Leadership is a complex and multifaceted role that requires a deep understanding of human behavior and motivation. As neuroscience research continues to expand our knowledge of the brain, it is increasingly clear that...

How to Hire the Right Executive Coach?

How to Hire the Right Executive Coach?

A good executive coach can help you develop new skills, overcome challenges, and achieve your goals. However, with so many coaches available, it can be challenging to know where to start. In this article, we'll explore some key factors to consider when selecting an...

Why Employee Voice Matters

Why Employee Voice Matters

A few months ago, Sarah joined a Fortune 500 company with enthusiasm and eagerness to contribute to an organization that professed to prioritize inclusion. However, within weeks she noticed something peculiar: her colleagues remained silent during meetings, never daring to challenge their boss or ask questions.

How to Mitigate Hiring Bias?

How to Mitigate Hiring Bias?

Not long ago, I was asked to audit a hiring process for a large organization. I learned that appearance was a factor rated by hiring managers and impacted the overall hiring decision. This was a bias that could negatively affect all people belonging to low...

Hiring:  Best Practices To Increase Diversity

Hiring:  Best Practices To Increase Diversity

A hiring manager calls a recruiter: “I need to hire a Marketing Director ASAP.” The recruiter responds: “What are you looking for? Got a job description?” Hiring manager: “No, I don’t have time to write one. Can you create one?”   This simple request can lead...

The Key To Employee Retention

The Key To Employee Retention

The Great Resignation has employers seeking the truth about why their employees are leaving at rapid rates. We decided to launch a poll asking people on various platforms the reason for their departure. To our surprise, the top four answers all connect to our human...

Destructive Leadership Behavior

Destructive Leadership Behavior

How to survive a toxic leader Let’s start with the definition. Toxic leaders are “individuals who, by virtue of their destructive behaviors and their dysfunctional personal qualities or characteristics, inflict serious and enduring harm on the individuals, groups,...

Are You the Real Reason Employees are Quitting?

Are You the Real Reason Employees are Quitting?

Photo by Tiger Lily from PexelsYou remember back to the round of interviews that got you the current team you manage. In those spirited meetings, your future workers seemed passionate, profound, and driven by the desire to do the best work possible. In the time since,...

A Manager’s Guide to Surviving COVID-19

A Manager’s Guide to Surviving COVID-19

Layoff Survivor Sickness Syndrome Thrive Global invites voices from many spheres to share their perspectives on our Community platform. Community stories are not commissioned by our editorial team, and opinions expressed by Community contributors do not reflect the...

How to Be an Ally

How to Be an Ally

Over the past year, allyship has been an increasingly popular and much-needed discussion. Being an ally is not simply saying that you stand with marginalized communities, it’s about understanding deeply why people are marginalized and how allyship can help you be more deeply engaged to create sustained cultural change.

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