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How Can I Become a Better Leader?

by | May 9, 2023 | Leadership

Practical Leadership Insights from Neuroscience

Leadership is a complex and multifaceted role that requires a deep understanding of human behavior and motivation. As neuroscience research continues to expand our knowledge of the brain, it is increasingly clear that effective leadership involves more than just technical skills and expertise. In this context, we will explore some of the key practical knowledge that leaders should know about the brain and its impact on leadership effectiveness.

Emotions drive behavior: The neuroscientist Antonio Damasio discovered that emotions play a key role in decision-making and behavior; without emotion, people experience analysis paralysis. As a leader, it’s important to understand the role emotion plays in your team member’s ability to move forward with a decision. As well, as understand the emotional responses of your team members and stakeholders and create an environment that fosters positive emotions.

Attention is limited: Our brain’s pre-frontal cortex has a limited capacity for attention and cognitive processing. As a leader, it’s important to prioritize and communicate information clearly and concisely to avoid overwhelming team members with too much information. The brain can only focus on small twenty-minute time lapses, so giving your employees breaks will ensure employees remain effective and your message is adequately received.

The power of feedback: The brain works in feedback loops. Feedback triggers the reward center of the brain and can motivate behavior change. As a leader, it’s important to provide constructive feedback in a timely and effective manner to help team members improve and grow. Overriding your own fears of delivering negative feedback is a developmental skill you must develop.

The importance of storytelling: Stories engage multiple areas of the brain and can be a powerful tool for communication and influence. As a leader, it’s important to develop your storytelling skills and use narratives to convey key messages and inspire action. Don’t bore your team with data points embed them within a story, communicate emotion by being vulnerable and drive the message home.

The impact of stress: Chronic stress can have negative effects on the brain and impair cognitive function. As a leader, it’s important to create a supportive and low-stress work environment to promote the well-being and productivity of team members. Annually or as needed re-assess employee workloads, discussing expectations and empowering them to find the resources needed to build capacity.

By understanding how the brain works, leaders can better communicate, motivate, and influence their team members and stakeholders. They can also create a work environment that promotes well-being and productivity. To learn more about the brain and leadership, read The Leader’s Brain by Michael Platt.



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